Rogue Recon

2003 Official Season
Updated Tuesday, March 4th, 2003 at 10:00pm
Indiana Field Artillary Support Team(I.F.A.S.T.)
West Lafayette, Indiana
Indiana Infantry Support Team (I.I.S.T.)
Delphi, Indiana
Best viewed at 1024 X 768

Base | Scenarios | Rental Prices | Rules | Recruits | Troops | Game Pics | Recon Pics | Armory | Advice | Fields | Links | EXT. Calander

    The Rogue Recon Paintball Team-est.September 2000

    What does Rogue Recon have to offer you?STRESS RELEIF!!!

    You are lying there on your stomach in the remnants of a destroyed hotel, sweat coating your face, thirty rounds left in reserve. You hear footsteps around the corner. Your heart starts to beat rapidly. Is it a teamate that was seperated during the last firefight or are you about to come face to face with the enemy. No matter now as you feel the rumble from the engine in the Assault vehicals patroling outside with twin mounted guns. Suddenly it hits the fan as morters in the distance start to hit the area for an attempt to rush the building and rescue you. A shoulder launched grenade slams into the side of a T3-A1 Tank effectivly disabling it. Hundreds of rounds are fired out of the windows to hit those on your team, so you make the final desision. Hit the insiders in a fury. Running around the corner you start to blaze the hall taking out a few as morter rounds fly thru the windows mopping up the ones you missed. Life has just taken a serious turn from the mundaine. Welcome to life as a paintballer in Indiana. Welcome to Rogue Recon !

    We want to take paintball one step further for Newbies and Veterns alike. You don't need an expensive paintball marker or thousands of dollars and a political influence to join like that of tourney paintball. We have everything all ready set so you can come in and have fun as you please. Ages 12 and up welcomed.

    To get information on joining the team or playing with us, email to this link...Rogue Recon. Joining the team isn't hard. So long as you follow the guidelines to being on the team, then the team will help you out with anything and everything.

    Recent News!!

    • Well winter is almost over and I'm tired of thinking what it would be like to paint some of my co-workers. So now that the official season has started, when will we play? HHHmmmmmm. Well I'm lookin for at least 50 degree semi dry weather. So if you are lookin to get in the game, fire me an email at
    • Prices for Kings Island will be the same as last year, twenty five dollars. This year I will even allow you to bring your boy/girl friend if under 18 with a signed slip from your parents.

    • Games/Events/Actions Info(1 Month Adv.)

      • 03-09-03 Sunday, Weather permiting, Game and training at Lafayette Speedball.
      • 03-15-03 Saturday, Game planned for Rossville barn.
      • 03-23-03 Sunday, Planned Game at Mudlavia
      • 03-30-03 Sunday, Game and training at Lafayette speedball.

      Page updates list
      Base- 03/04/03
      Rental Prices-03/04/03
      Recruits-12/31/02 New players added
      Troops-01/21/03 New links being added under pics, new ranks issued
      Game Pics-10/07/02
      Recon Pics-10/07/02
      Armory-1/01/03-M-86 Morter pics added
      Fields-01/22/03 Mudlavia field map remapped.
      Links-01/02/03 New supplier
      Extended Event Listing-03/04/03 Team Trips date updated

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