Possibly good advice from players on the team.

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Tactics Advice

  • When prepping for an attack, insure you have adaquate escape routes, and that whatever spot you are in has ample cover, yet allows good sight of the oncomming enemy.(JDunbar)
  • Proper concealment makes a world of differance. Try fixing limbs from bushes or trees or something from whatever you are hiding by to you. But remember to make it still beleivable.(limbs usually grow up not down.)(JDunbar)
  • Be sure to be carrying enough ammo that you can last, but not so much that you cant move quietly. This ammount varies dependant on your firing tendancies.(JDunbar)
Marker Advice

  • Personally I use a Piranha STS and I like it very well. Mainly for the price and versatility. The marker doesnt have much room for being "tricked out", but it is easily torn down and cleaned. In my experiance if you add a 16" barrel, it becomes a very useful assault marker. Decent fire rate, and better accuracy. My marker when used in conjunction with a 18" "All American" had gained an impressive 40 feet of range and changed the accuracy range from 40 feet to about 65 or 70 before serious dropping. As an opinion, for the rec player that wants a relitivly cheap marker thats worth the money, This STS G3 was good for myself.(JDunbar)
  • Now even with my STS preferance, or Piranha and Spyder in general. I still have to note the abilitys of the Tippman 98 in line blowback marker. For recplayers, it is by far the best on the market. For about the same as the STS, you can by this totally modifiable marker. People can add so many peices or change peices out it is just nuts. One such case was a player on our team who made it into a very good semi auto sniper rifle. The stats were; 18" barrel, rocket cocker, colapsable carbine stock, 4x scope, and shoulder strap. If there was more I dont remember. Another good addition is the "Flatline" Barrel. This barrel kinda makes the marker look like a MP5-A1. The barrel allows the marker to sevearly increase range by applying a spin on the ball. The downside is accuracy decreases and a paintball with a strong shell is needed to make it thru the curved barrel. The Tippman 98 is a little harder to break down due to alan screws holding the two halves of the marker together, which makes it a bad idea to field strip when a problem occurs. Yet overall i still think this is the leading recball marker on the market.(JDunbar)
  • Spyder Shutter. This here is a more expensive Spyder that come with a couple more features. Like the tournament bright and flashy colors. This marker is a high performance rec ball marker, though is really built for Compressed Air systems and not CO2. Due to the nature of CO2 and how it has to do a cold expansion, it tends to ice up inside of the Shutter. Causing abrasions to the bolt and eventual lock ups. But when it is properly out fitted with the Compressed Air and a longer barrel, it is a heavy duty marker. Slightly Heavier than a normal spyder, it is really for bigger guys in that aspect. Expecially those guys whom are better at making a distraction and unloading paint at a higher volume. rather than their counterpart with black markers theat are trying to quietly move into flanks.(JDunbar)
Paint Advice

  • Im going to end this debate early on. Marbelizer paint is the absolute best. The shell is thick enough to make it out the barrel but not so thick that is wont break. Another two benifits of the shell are the fact that it usually breaks instead of boucing like many do. The next was that they are surprisingly the most consistant. This meaning that the paint is more sphere and less egg shaped, and that they are almost all the exact same size being 0.66 inch. Which makes them great for the majority of barrels.(JDunbar)
  • Brass Eagle paint in general... Well thats another thing. Youll notice that your local Walmart probably carried this paint first. It's the cheapest and since most Walmarts probably got a deal set with Brass Eagle.. they thought they had to sell Brass Eagle paint only for awhile. Now on to the advice. DONT BUY IT. They only time I'd tell you to buy it is if you HAVE to play paintball and you only have enough for them. They are very inconsistant in size and shape. For some reason they "melt" easily in the bag and expecially in your hopper during a hot days game. The paint will most likly bust out the barrl in most situations due to the inconsistancies. I specifically remember a day where I bought a 1000 round case and only about 200 successfully made it to their intended location. The majority were sprayed like someone with a sneezing fit. Insure you have an easily removed barrel and a squeege before you use these.(JDunbar)
Barrels Advice

Equipment Advice

  • I use a military "Harris Tactical Assault Vest" because I like to carry any tools i need to work on the marker in the field. No to mention I carry emergency heat sheilds, emergency ponchos, EMT scissors, snake bite kit, bandades, gauze, tape, knife, hand saw, 2 foot zip ties, soap, water, etc etc etc. Get the idea? The vest new costs about one hundred in a Cabella's magazine.(JDunbar)
  • Insure that when you purchase your equiment, that you never buy a pressure vessle(tank) that does not have a properly manufactored burst disk and retaining bolt. In my experience, I have found that C02 tanks can rupture due to heating of the gasses and an inproperly built retaining nut can cause the tank itself to explode. Never attept to build your own, if you have faulty equipment, return it to the manufactorer.(JYuill)