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Rogue Recon General Rules and Regulations
Updated 12/26/02 * These General and procedural rules are required for any type of involvement with the Rogue Recon Paintball team and its players, whether it be the Rogue Recon of Lafayette, Indiana, or any other team sponsored by the team and are considered the base for all team operations.

1. Upon Officially joining Rogue Recon you will be given all information necessary for your role in the team. This includes the team logo and team manuals for satellite groups. This information and the logo are property of Rogue Recon Paintball Team, Jason Dunbar and Jared Yuill the team founders. If you resign member ship from the Organization you are requested to stop usage of any team related property as you are no longer recognized as a member or satellite team.

2. Upon joining any team sponsored by Rogue Recon, Jason Dunbar, or any person ranked as a Officer, you MUST provide information verbal or written that may aid in medical treatment by medical professionals or otherwise. This is to include; allergies, prescription medications, mental illnesses, physical illnesses, abnormal physical status, desises, required safety precautions, emergency contact names and phone numbers, and your address. Under no circumstance will you be allowed to participate without this information supplied.

3. Also upon joining you must sign a Release Of Liability in-which releases all players, officials, owners of premises, and other releasee's including yourself from liability in some cases of injury and damages. Play will not be allowed without this having been read and signed. If you are under the age of 18, you are required to have a parent or guardian present at the time of signing. You will receive a copy of the Rules and a signed copy of the Liability release.

4. Rogue Recon follows a military style ranking system in-which all players must follow. Rank is decided by the National Director, Jason Dunbar and is based on; time involved in the team and skills acquired from the training program and test results. Higher ranking officials are allowed to make decisions that may change either the rules, style of play, enrollment, constitution and other such procedures. Players accepting a rank of Sergeant will not have such abilities. Any changes made in a subsidiary or sponsored team may or may not impact the main branch of the team, but must conform to the original standards.

5. Rogue Recon and all affiliated organizations are not responsible for supplying any equipment or supplies to the players for normal operations. Further Rogue Recon will not officially require any of its members to purchase any equipment of supplies from any one or more dealers, suppliers, or individuals. Members are responsible for acquiring all required equipment and supplies for safe play at their own descretion.

6. Any special project mandated a team event/project by either Jason Dunbar or any team Captain may have some material value to it. Thus it may require physical work, monitory compensation, or other forms of capital to construct or operate. Participation is totally voluntary and all funds supplied or work done is non-refundable, and non-compensated monetarily. Any one whom does not work or supply to these projects are not liable for injuries or damages caused by them, and usage of said projects must be approved by the local commander. In the case that a project causes injury or damage, those whom contributed to its construction and usage will be held liable.

7. Anyone choosing to train for and be on the Rogue Recon; Shadow Scouts must conform to team dress code requirements and supply there own military style camouflage that is passed by the team Captain. Those not choosing to be on the Rogue Recon; Shadow Scouts are not required to wear these. There is a time based exception for obtaining such dress uniform. Also the player must make the minimum of training sessions a month set by that group’s Captain. Exceptions may be made for special circumstances.

8. All Federal/State/City laws are in effect and to be followed. There will be no fire-arms, weapons(exception-legal size pocket knife, passed by team Captain), drugs, or alcohol allowed at any team Activity. Cigarettes or smokeless tobacco will not be allowed in the playing fields, but are allowed in the staging area.

9. At no time will any player or outside vendor sell equipment or supplies on any Rogue Recon designated field without proper legal documentation for retail sales, and without permission of the field owner and team Captain for that site.

10.To become a command staff member, either officer or non-com, you must have passed all tests deemed necessary by the Captain. Tests are fluid and based on the officers needs. You must demonstrate the ability to lead a group of players, a good attitude, be willing to perform small jobs for the team. Sacrifice for the betterment of the group is a must.

11. Official team functions can only occur with an officer or CSM present for the entire duration of the event. When all officers and CSM’s have left, the event must cease. There is no exception to this rule while on a Rogue Recon field. This is not to say the players couldn’t go to a non-team field and hold a non-team game.

12. All satellite teams or associated groups of Rogue Recon must adhere to the rules set forth in this listing. Any site specific rules made or amendment requests must be sent to the team National Director Jason Dunbar for approval. Failure to adhere to rules and officer responsibilities will result in termination of membership to the Organization.

Field Procedural Rules-the following are rules that if not followed may exclude you from any future events with this team.

1.These items are required for play in the Rogue Recon teams, Required equipment; A.S.T.M. certified eye protection, paintball marker with adjustable velocity, barrel plug, and CO2 or Air Canisters. All items in this list must pass a safety inspection by a team official. Such inspection does not constitute an inspection by a trained airsmith. Some form of storage device for equipment so as in may be secured with a lock or other securing device is recommended.

2.There is to be no form of sexual, ethnical, racial, age, or other such common discrimination performed that may produce an uncomfortable feeling to the person when involved with the team, its members, officials, or others either on or off the field whether a teammate or civilian. This will also include; obscene jesters and wording, acts of violence; verbal or physical, and any action deemed a reason for dismissal by 51% of the Command Staff.

3. At no time will any player be allowed to engage another player from less than 20 feet. Only exception is preset CQB(close quarters battle) games.

4. At no time will any player wipe a paint splash from themselves during play without the approval of a command staff player or field marshal. Once a game has been called to an end or the player has exited the field after calling out they may then remove the paint splash.

5. At no time will any player step in front of a moving vehicle being used as a game piece, climb onto a vehicle being used for play, exceed the minimum firing range of 20 feet to engage the players in a vehicle, drive a game vehicle over the speed limit set by the team Captain, physically damage in any way the game vehicle with the exception of damage caused by NORMAL game play.

6. At no time will any player engage another player in a manor that will cause more that 3 shots to make contact.The player will be ejected for unnecessary ruffness. This can be brought on by request by the victim player. If the victim player does not deem it excessive then no action will be called.

7. At no time will any player remove their mask during play for any reason except the following; If an unsafe condition exists with the mask to include cracks or any condition that blinds the player. Though this player must immediately call Cease Fire and request assistance and permission from a team official BEFORE removing the mask. This rule will be STRICTLY ENFORCED. Failure to abide will result in immediate dismissal during that game and the following game. Then it is up to command staff to reinstate that players active status. In the case of common fogging, the player may elect to pull mask two inches infront of face and use a cloth to clean lens without removing from face. Though this action is not advised.

8. During play if you have a weapon malfunction, run out of paintballs, or out of CO2 or Air; you are still in play. You may elect to mention these conditions out loud for team-mates to come to your aid, but you are not out of the game. Though you may evacuate the engagement zone and attempt to work on your marker, load the hopper, or switch out canisters so long as you do not leave the playing areas. Leaving the playing field will constitute a kill upon that player. At no time may you receive rounds CO2, Air, or technical help during play from any field marshal or player whom has been Dyed also known as marked or left the playing field unless you have exited the playing area with this person. Then you are considered out also.

9. When eliminated by another player whether enemy or friendly, you will immediately yell down, dead, kill, hit, out or marked. Also when eliminated you are to immediately leave the playing field and return to the staging area while having one hand in the air or your marker above your head with a barrel plug in. Only time you are allowed to stay in playing area is approval has been given by highest ranking official. Though in all cases the barrel plug must be placed in the barrel and the cocking lever discharged when you are out of play.

10. At no time will you engage a player, field marshal, staff member, or official whom is out or signaling for a Cease Fire command. In this, no player is to discharge their marker for any reason until Resume game! has been called by the same official or one given authority.

11. At no time will any player engage a civilian or civilian property. A civilian is deemed any person not wearing the required equipment for play, and whom has not signed an current Rogue Recon Release of Liability form. If ANY player detects a civilian within the playing or staging areas, they are to immediately call a “cease fire” and inform the nearest command staff member of the situation.

12. At no time will any player steal from another player or team any equipment money, food, drink, or anything else deemed property. Theft is a crime and is punishable by law, if you are caught committing any crime, you may charged for that crime by law officials after the evidence has been presented by the witness's and the team Captain.

13. If you for any reason bring anything that will produce trash you need to take it with you off the field or out of any area used by the team for painbtall purposes.

14. Players will not utilize a shield during any game that is not deemed a CQB game. A shield is defined as any moving cover used to protect a player(s). Though during play, players may elect to build a stationary bunker or shield so long as it does not move. During CQB battles each player may employ only one shield. The shield is not to exceed 3 feet wide by 4 feet tall. The shield must be inspected by an official before the game commences.

15. As mentioned briefly before, no player is to exit the official boundaries during play as it will constitute as a kill. Where as the player will immediately use the barrel plug and raise their hand while exiting to the staging area.

16. Sportsmanship is to be maintained highly with the teammates wherever they may go. Players are not to attempt to utilize loop holes in the rules for there satisfaction. This may cause conflicts and if command staff feels it isn’t in keeping with traditions they may elect to hold a disciplinary proceeding. Also this is to include on field play, recruiting activities, or any activity said to be an Rogue Recon function.

Command Staff, Staff and Disciplinary Proceedings

Command staff refers to; Officers, Sergeants, and field Liaisons/Owners(limited). Staff is refereed to as Camera Personnel, Errand Runners, or any one employed to carry out tasks for the team.

1. To become an Officer, the player must meet the following minimum requirements;
a. Official Member in good standing.
b. Member must have attended at minimum of one official season at 50% of attendance for regular and special events.
c. Must demonstrate ability to lead a group of players during gameplay.
d. Must have operated as a Squad Sergeant for at least eight games.
e. Member must demonstrate knowledge and ability to adhere to rules and regulations proficiently.
f. Member will be asked why he/she thinks he would make a good commander.
g. Must be willing to accept duties assigned to them in the bylaws.
h. Must be eighteen years of age for legal responsibilities.
i. Must have correct military dress, name tags, and all required equipment.

2. To become a Sergeant, the player must meet the following minimum requirements;
a. Official Member in good standing.
b. Member must have attended at minimum of one official season at 25% of attendance for regular and special events.
c. Must demonstrate ability to lead a group of players during game play.
d. Member must demonstrate knowledge and ability to adhere to rules and regulations proficiently.
e. Member will be asked why he/she thinks he would make a good Sergeant.
f. Must be willing to accept duties assigned to them by bylaws.
g. Must have correct military dress, name tags, and all required equipment.

3. Field Owners are those whos name appears on the title for land, field liasons are those placed by the field owners as observers. Field liasons and owners have one vote during diciplinary procedings if they so choose, but are limited to one vote on the owner’s behalf.

4. The Captain will be refereed to as the Judge during any disciplinary action. He/she will be charged to assess the situation presented by the Sergeants and will have full right to carry out any decision deemed necessary by the jury. In the case where the jury(Sergeants) feel no action is necessary the Captain has the ability to call upon his own points to the jury for a reassessment. This due to maybe the jury not having considered some rules or the Captain feels that no action would not prevent further recourse. In this case the jury would be asked to consider the situation again and the Captain would present alternative proceedings. The jury would then vote and the majority favor would be presented to the Captain. Where as the Captain will carry out the action. If a discharge is suggested there must be a minimum favor of 75% for that action.

5. If the Jury feels the Captain must be brought up on charges, the National Director may act as the Judge. If a suspension is in order, the highest ranked Command staff member will temporarily assume the rank of Captain until the suspension has elapsed. In no case will the National Director be removed from position unless self appointed.

6. In the case of a non-official member disciplinary occurrence, the person would not have the benefit of a hearing and the decision would lay solely at the descretion of the highest ranking official present.

Team benefits

1. Official members have the right to a hearing from a panel in the case of an disciplinary action.
2. Official members have access to any discounts from retailers or designated suppliers.
3. Official members have the right to apply for command staff which allows them to have a decision making ability in the team.
4. Official members will have Officer backing in any legal matter while operating in a Rogue Recon function.
5. Satellite teams receive assistance in setting up and running a team without the pain of time consuming meeting to do such.
6. Official members will be givin discounts on materials built by the team for the team.
7. Official members will have rights to any other benefits that arise that may not be listed here.