Rogue Recon
Game Scenario Listing

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What is Rogue Recon?

Rogue Recon is a scenario style/non-hardcore team of paintball players that originated in Lafayette, Indiana known as the "K.R.T.S.". Fundamentally the team is about bringing the sport to those who either can't afford high end guns, do not wish to waste the money for them, or are people who feel fun should not cost so much anyways!! We have many military-style qualities, but are by no means as strict. We have no dress code for entry level players, and the dress code for the Shadow Scouts is Wood Camo 1. Though you are not required to meet this right off the bat. Anyways... We are trying to promote various items into paintball that some organizations have allready established. Some of these are speciality weapons like the M-86 Morter, and the soon to be built grenade launchers. Some others are being developed but are considered secret.

Special Operations and Mission Objectives

"Resident Evil"

This will be a much more planned out scenario that may take up to 2 hours to complete based on how succesfull the players may or may not be. Based on the movie, the players will play the parts of the charecters and will have to follow a story line to some extent. Along the way will be mini-missions that they must complete with some small puzzles to pass further into the levels. Each mission will count as a tier, and each tier will envoke differant enemies. Most common will be the technitians that have turned into "zombies" from inhaleling the "T-Virus" also known as the "T Veronica Virus". This Virus was originally developed to combat ageing and nerve based diseises by reanimating dead cells. The down side was that the virus takes over all the cells in the body and reanimates them dead or alive by hyper activating the electrical impulses and some chemicals in the body. The problem is the reanimated body's only act on the basic needs. The need to feed. The tactical team is sent in to discover why things went wrong and contain the incidence. Thats where this game comes into play.

You will play one of 7 characters from the movie and the other players will be the zombies, and one lucky player will be the "Licker"(a player with armour). The Tactical squad will be charged with the responsibility of completing tasks and puzzles to access the various rooms of the "Hive" and then discover the red queens mysterious reasons for this hell. All the while avoiding the unstopping supply of zombies and the occasional onslaught by the licker. From incursion to excursion the team has 2 hours. You will have to negotiate with the red queen to get out for all the doors are being locked as you move thru the game. In the event that a zombie scratches of bites you, hope that you have aquired a hidden anti virus. They are hidden and limited to 5 of them. The anti virus must be administered within 3 minutes of the infection or the player becomes a zombie. Once bitten the player must drop their weapon and can not be used untill the anti virus is administered. The very second the player becomes a zombie, it can attack its former friends. So for those on the human team, keep the player close to you so as to give anti virus asap, but far enough that he or she cannot instantly attack at 3 minute mark. Big promlem though.. if a player is scratched by the licker the Nemisis Parasite takes over them, then he/she is able to use a gun after the 3 minute period. So the affected player is like a smart zombie, able to use weapons and any stuff in the area their advantage. Now where as the Zombies may respawn every 2 minutes as to supply a never ending stream of themselves, the licker once killed must sit out the rest of the game. Unfortuanatly for the tactical team though, if a licker chooses to "eat" a player, that player is perminantly out of game, and the licker gains more armour to cover his or her body. So it's up to the licker, scratch the enemy=possibly make another zombie, eat the enemy=get more armour and one less enemy to worry about later. All the while, each player has only 200 rounds each so conservation must be maintained. Well the rest of the details I'll mention on game day.

Cast of characters.

  • Alice(Janus Prospero)-main charater(female)
    Training:Special Reconnosaince and Leggonainres.
    Has lost memmory and doesnt realize who caused the out-break of the t-virus, though she is a undercover agent protecting the emergency entrance to the hive.
  • Rain Ocampo-Secondary character(female)
    Training:S.E.A.L.s, Combat Search and Rescue.
    Rain is the dominant force with nerves of steal and pretty much the only female in the S.T.A.R.S. organization.
  • Spence(Spencer Parks)
    Training:PsyOps, NSA
    Spence is the traitor of the team and was the one trying to smuggle the T-Virus. The team must choose wisely how to use him for he can be the best friend or the worst enemy. The team will not know this untill, they are givin game info cards about it.
  • Kaplan(1st Lieutenant Chad Kaplan)
    Training:Nasa Security, electronics specialist.
    Chad is the guy who seems to luck out of all the bad things..... thats how it goes for him.
  • Shade(Captain James "One" Shade)Optional character.
    Training:Special Forces, Anti Terrorisim, Bomb Squad.
    Shade runs the show and gives the team orders thruout the game.
  • J.D.(J.D. Salines)OPtional character
    Training:National Guard Sniper
    JD doesnt really have a portfolio. Sorry.
  • Matt.. Optional character
    Training:NSA, OSS Matt is an undercover agent posing as a Racoon City police man recently transfered.
  • This entire game will be filmed so wear your good camos!!! lol.

    "BLACK and WHITE"
    To be edited

    War Scenarios

    1.Capture the leader Either teams objective is to obtain the oppositions leader alive. teams are 50/50

    2.Dispatch the leader Either teams objective is to dispatch the oppositions leader. Game ends when either leader is hit.

    3.Annihilation The objective is simple, two teams equally sized engage and destroy all targets of opposition. team still standing wins. There is no set bases, and teams are not allowed to ambush.

    4.Defend/Offend Base One object is to attack the other s base. Won by annihilation of opposing team. Other team will defend. 50/50. entry point of offensive team unknown to defence team.

    5.Lone Wolfe One man versus 5 or 10 dependant on training level. Lone Wolfe entry point unknown to opposing team.

    6.Hostage rescue/Rally point Team sizes changed by K.R.T.S. leader. Generally a small group will offend a singular or small group of players holding one or objective to rescue civilian alive. Hostage may not use gun. Terrorist may not dispatch . Entry point for tac team is unknown to terrorist team. To win, they must retreive the and get him/her to a designated rally point, unless terrorist was dispatched. Terrorist will not know rally point, though someone must be official for this rally point to be official.

    7.Terrorist hunt Terrorist team will generally be larger but is up to K.R.T.S. leader. Terrorist may chose to have up to 2 hostages less then that of the amount of ppl on thier team. Object is for tac team to dispatch all threats with no more than a 25% loss of if no are in play then they are to dispatch terrorist team. Hostages once rescued must remain with tac team. Entry point for Tac team and terrorists are unknown. Won by obtaining all . No base is allowed, must be done in open.

    8.Escort/Assasination Two teams of varying sizes(either may be larger) are with conflicting objectives, one team will be escorting a unarmed, where as the other will be responsible for an assasination of this person. Game ends when either the is captured, killed, the assasination team is killed, or escort team reaches safe point.

    9.Ambush Ambush is where a team of varing size in placed as a tight sphere formation while surrounded by opposition on at least 2 sides. object is survival. Won when either team is elliminated.

    10.Reach the rally point Object is for smaller team to reach raleigh point by use of force march and fire straight thru enemy controled territory.

    11.Survival Dependant on number of players, K.R.T.S. leader will initiate Survival war. Set up is all for them selfs. All will be positioned at least 80ft apart at start. Last man standing wins.

    12. Double Cross One man per team is designated the double crosser, he will shoot at both teams but miss the ones that he is actually doubling for. The fire team will not know who he/she is, The only ppl who know it is a double cross is the scenario master(whom is on the opposing team) and the .

    13.Search And Recovery Both teams objective is to find an hidden artifact in the playing field. A win is only awarded for team whom has the artifact brought back to their C.P.

    14.Capture the flag 50/50 teams, objective is to obtain the other flag and return to their base.

    15. Center Flag 50/50 teams, objetive is to obtain flag from center of field and take to the other teams base.

    16.Bermuda Triangle a flag capture game, flag is placed with 3 guard stations/forts around it. the flag defenders are out numbered by the offenders.

    17.Virus/Blob Two bersiona of same game, Virus has smaller number of players sent out as individuals, if they hit the hunters, the hunters instantly become a virus and have to move 20 feet from nearest hunter before engaging. The hunters once hitting a virus, instantly eradicate the virus. The virus does not become a hunter. In Blob, teams are equally matched and objective is to hit the enemies, where as they will turn into the teammate of those whom hit them. They may not engae untill they have gone to the rear of the advance from the other team.

    18.Freeze tag Based on kids game. Once player is hit, he or she freezes in place with hand in the air. Player may come back to action when a fellow teamate tags him/her. Objective is to take other teams base.

    19.Bomb planting Objective is for terrorist team to place a at the designated bomb places, once a bomb is placed an air horn must be sounded. Then counter terrorist team has 3 minutes to disarm bomb. Must have an official to sequence watch with planting/dissarming and insuring the bomb is properly dissarmed. Tac team must have a designated bomb technician whom may only respawn once from his/her base.

    20.Jail Break similar to terrorist hunt. except there is a set base for jail.

    21.Bridge over the river styx. A flag is hung over a diked or bridged stream. Objective is for offence team to obtain flag and then wipe out base. The defenders must have 2 groups set for this. 1 group will defend flag, the other will defend base. at no time will either of the two groups leave the area of their defence position.

    22.Pirates gold Each team of pirates will have a set number of treasures, and they must hide them in the area of their base. objective is to obtain all treasures. no treasures may be within 2 feet of each other. Tresures must be takin to a collection point in the base of the player collecting. Enemy may choose to raid the enemy gold if successful in attack. If a player has a tresure in hand when eliminated, she will imidiatly drop the treasure in that location in plain sight. No tresure may be more than 50% covered and must be of a bright color. I.e. Orange cones. This is a respawn match that lasts 30 min to 1 hour. Set by scenario leader.

    23. Hamburger Hill. team or individual. Game is one by player/team that spends the most time in the center of the Last man standing is not necessarily winner. Time is set by highest official. Respawns are allowed if chosen by team official. Must have official to time it.

    24. Recon Mission This is a CQB(Close Quarters Battle) mission. You must have a building for this. There will be a designated item for interaction in one of the rooms in which is not specified to the defending team. For example, the attacking team is supposed to plant a bug on a phone used by the resident. The defenders are not aware of the mission requirements. The attackers must effectivly place the bug without detection and get out without having been detected. The attacking team should utilize radios and the defending team is not allowed to. If the attacking team is detected, a reserve unit of 2 players may be called to assist the defenders in eliminating the attackers. If the attackers were succesful in placing the bug, they must evac from the site without losses, if they have losses, they must carry the soildier off the grounds. No player may be left on the grounds. Then the defenders have 5 minutes to find the objective item and destroy it. If not done in 5 minutes, they lose. If the attackers are detected before placing, they must attempt to place the item and extract without leaving anyone behind. Other ideas are bombs and survailence camaras.

    25. Special Forces Interrogation This is a CQB(Close Quarters Battle) mission. You must have a building for this. The objective is for the attacking team to obtain(snatch) a defending player and remove him from the site without detection. Similar to the recon mission, they may fight their way out. But, the defenders may chose to kill their comrade to keep vital information out of the attackers ears. In doing this, the attacker now have to reaquire another defender, and it will be hard now that they are allerted of the attackers presence. Won only by successfully removing a defender to the rally point.

      Discounts for teammates
    • People's Welding Supply Located on the Levee in Purdue behind the Blood bank next to the new apartments and parking garage. 50lbs tank of CO2 for twenty dollars versus the thirty dollar rate, 50 lbs tank is equivalent of 800 ounces. 20lbs tanks are now ten dollars. I will work on getting discounts on small tanks such as 14's and 20's.
    • Street Wearz This is a Kiosk located in the Tippacanoe Mall near entrance "B" that sells custom T-Shirts and other custom items. They have the logo available to be put on T-Shirts, Mugs, Mouse Pads, Mug Coolers, and Licence Plates. Prices are as follows; T-Shirts are 19.95, Mugs 15.95, Plates 19.95, Mouse pads 15.95, Mug coolers 12.95.

Post your questions here
Rogue Recon Team email